
Protect Your Skin during the Winter Months

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Protect Your Skin during the Winter Months

I love winter. During this glorious time of the year, I enjoy spending time with family members during the holiday season. I also like to sip hot chocolate while lounging in flannel pajamas. While I adore winter, I don’t like what the cold weather can do to my skin. To prevent your skin from becoming too dry when the weather turns cold outside, drink plenty of water. Also, apply a moisturizer to your skin a couple of times each day. If you must go outdoors in dangerously frigid temperatures, make sure to cover your face properly. On this blog, I hope you will discover smart tips to make your skin glow during the winter months. Enjoy!

Prepare The Skin For Self-Tanner By Using An Exfoliating Body Scrub

If you are interested in achieving a warm summer glow but don't want to spend hours sweating in the sun or in a tanning bed, apply one of the many high-quality self-tanners on the market today. However, first, you'll want to exfoliate the day before you apply self-tanner. Exfoliating your skin before applying self-tanner will help you reduce the chances of streaks appearing on your skin. Here are a few tips on exfoliating your skin before applying self-tanner.

Take Inventory 

Before you begin exfoliating, take inventory of your skin. To do this, take a close look at your skin, especially areas that may be rougher, such as your elbows, knees, and ankles. Rough patches of skin tend to become darker when using self-tanner. The rougher the skin is in areas, the more you'll need to concentrate on those patches when you exfoliate. 

Soak In a Bathtub

Draw yourself a bath but don't turn on the ventilation fan. You want the bathroom to be somewhat steamy and warm. Relax for a bit in the tub. If you want to use a bubble bath or body wash, feel free. Also, make sure those rough areas you found earlier are immersed in the water. You can shave while you're soaking in the tub but do so as gently as possible. Drain the tub when you're ready to begin exfoliating.

Apply Exfoliator 

Without drying off and while your bathroom is still steamy, begin applying the exfoliating body scrub according to the manufacturer's directions on the product's label. You can use an exfoliator mitt or a washcloth. Gently rub the exfoliator into your skin by using small circular motions and paying attention to the rough areas of your skin. When you're done exfoliating, rinse the exfoliator off in the shower. 

Moisturize Your Skin

After you've rinsed off in the shower, pat your skin dry then apply an oil-free moisturizer. Oily products on your skin can cause your self-tanner to streak or appear splotchy when dry because the self-tanner won't be able to "bind" properly to your skin if it has a coating of oily residue. 

If you shower the next day before you apply the self-tanner, be sure that the water is completely dried from your skin. Take inventory of your rough patches again before you apply self-tanner. If they still appear dry or rough, lightly dab a little bit of lightweight, non-oily moisturizer on those areas before applying self-tanner. Alternatively, exfoliate the rough areas once more before you apply the self-tanning product. Look for an exfoliating body scrub to help you with your process.