
Protect Your Skin during the Winter Months

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Protect Your Skin during the Winter Months

I love winter. During this glorious time of the year, I enjoy spending time with family members during the holiday season. I also like to sip hot chocolate while lounging in flannel pajamas. While I adore winter, I don’t like what the cold weather can do to my skin. To prevent your skin from becoming too dry when the weather turns cold outside, drink plenty of water. Also, apply a moisturizer to your skin a couple of times each day. If you must go outdoors in dangerously frigid temperatures, make sure to cover your face properly. On this blog, I hope you will discover smart tips to make your skin glow during the winter months. Enjoy!

4 Tips To Help Prevent Skin Cancer

Your skin is your largest organ, and it is important to do whatever you can to prevent skin cancer. Being diligent about caring for your skin can go a long way in ensuring that you never develop skin cancer. Use the following tips to help protect your skin and keep it cancer-free:

Don't Tan

Laying out in the sun or in a tanning bed may give your skin the color that you desire, but it can be incredibly unhealthy and can lead to the development of skin cancer. The risk of skin cancer can rise is you regularly lie out in the sun or frequent tanning beds. You don't have to give up a sun-kissed look-- just consider spray tanning instead. A quality spray tan will give you the look you desire without the health risks.

Use Sunscreen Every Day

Most people put on sunscreen when going to the beach, pool, or when they know they will be outdoors for an extended amount of time during the summer months. But if you want to help prevent skin cancer, it is important to apply sunscreen every day, even in the winter months. Don't just apply sunscreen to your face-- make sure that all exposed skin is covered in sunscreen when you are outdoors during the day, not matter what time of year.

Get Your Skin Checked

One of the most important things you can do to prevent skin cancer is making an appointment with a dermatologist to have your skin examined on a regular basis. A dermatologist will be able to examine moles to determine whether they may or may not be pre-cancerous. Having pre-cancerous moles removed promptly may help lower your chance of developing skin cancer.

Avoid the Sun During the Afternoon

When the sun is at its highest during the afternoon it is best to stay indoors to prevent exposure to the strongest rays. The less exposure your skin has to damaging UV rays the better. If you do need to be outside during the afternoons, make sure to wear clothing that covers as much skin as possible, and also wear a hat the shades your face from sun exposure. If you know that you will be outdoors for an extended amount of time, make sure that you reapply sunscreen on a regular basis in order to help your skin from burning. Sunburns are very damaging to the skin and that damage may contribute to skin cancer developing when you are older.